Citizens are demanding policy change. They know that consumer choices alone cannot bring about the changes needed to eliminate the negative ethnical and environmental impacts of the garment and footwear sector. But regulating a complex, global and sometimes opaque sector comes with major challenges.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has led a process to develop a free opensource standard and system to track and trace products through the entire garment and footwear supply chain – from field to factory to shop floor.
Use the UNECE toolbox to develop policy that requires track and trace standards are adopted in the garment and footwear sector. Then, let your citizens know by submitting your action to The Sustainability Pledge.
Consumers are increasingly demanding more information and assurances about how and where their clothes and shoes are made. They want to know that they are not supporting actions that are harmful to the people who make their clothes or to the environment.
As a company, providing such detail for products is not simple. The garment and footwear supply chain is global, complex and oftentimes opaque.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) offers a solution: The Sustainability Pledge.
The Sustainability Pledge, brokered by UNECE, is a free opensource framework for tracking and tracing products through the entire garment and footwear supply chain: from field, to factory, to shop floor.
Use the UNECE tools to track and trace your goods, pledge your commitment to implement and let your customers know by being party to The Sustainability Pledge.
Track it, Trace it, Wear it!
Environmental and ethical concerns are increasingly influencing our lifestyle and consumer choices. More and more of us want to shop sustainably and fairly – but to do that we need reliable information about where and how our clothes and shoes are made.
The Sustainability Pledge offers a solution. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has worked with hundreds of industry insiders to develop a free opensource framework to track and trace products through the entire garment and footwear supply chain – from field to factory to shop floor.
See who in the industry is signing up to The Sustainability Pledge and what actions they are committing to deliver. Then, make your choice.